What do PtP links look like?

When cable runs are impossible, use PtP links
Wireless links can be a great option where cable runs are not possible. For example: your home has great internet service and you would like to extend the service to the garage or the barn or something 100 yards away or more. For whatever reason a cable won’t work, whether it looks terrible, or the distance exceeds the recommended length for that cable. No one likes to stare at overhead cables at a BBQ or a pool party. This is where a wireless link can do wonders. No wires across the yard, no need to bury a cable and dig up your lawn. Just install 2 small devices, one on the home(the master) one on the garage/ barn/ shop(the slave) Now that you have a link to the other building you can easily manage cameras, manage home automation or just relax and watch Netflix. The options are endless.